Cellulosebasert svampeproduksjon til industri og husholdning
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industriproduksjon og digitale tjenester
Cellulosebasert svampeproduksjon til industri og husholdning
Leverandør av bredbånd og IT tjenester på Kanariøyene
Protectoria develop and operate a secure cloud based infrastructure, managing digital identities based on decentralised architecture using Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) and blockchain technology. In addition, Protectoria integrate our own unique and patent pending proprietary technology for transaction security.
Okay er leverandør av digitale autentiseringsløsninger
New Normal Group is an entrepreneurial software group with a passionate and diverse team of entrepreneurs, on a mission to build exponential companies that chase the new normal of their industries. Together, we rethink the business models of tomorrow by developing the potential within people and the technology created by them.